Monday, May 29, 2006

Chinta jadi jernih, sejernih kasih Tuhan

Halt the drum of war
The song of death with the tone of the devil,
It has killed our children,
It has destroyed the virtues of culture,
Love becomes pure, as pure as the love of God,

Sing a peace with the breath of the soul,
Sing it in the ears of new born babies,
Echo it to the heights of the towers,
Where the generals and the maps gather,
Love becomes pure, as pure as the love of God

Matikanlah gendering perang,
Lagu maut yang bernada setan,
Ia telah membunuh anak-anak kita,
Ia telah melebur nilai-nilai budaya,
Chinta jadi jernih, sejernih kasih Tuhan,

Lagukanlah damai di pernapasan jiwa,
Nyanyikan di kuping bayi yang lahir,
Dengungkan ke puncak menara,
Dimana bersidang jenderal dan peta,
Chinta jadi jernih, sejernih kasih Tuhan,

Usman Awang, 1997

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